Let Off The Shelf manage your production and QuickBooks manage your books.
Make stuff. Get paid.
Convert to Sales Orders
Off The Shelf can seamlessly convert QuickBooks Estimates or Invoices into Sales Orders to kick off production. Quickly move from taking orders from your customers to making their products without losing time or making mistakes in the process.
Once the Sales Order is created, Off The Shelf knows what components need to be purchased from which Vendors to manufacture all sold products. It also can tell you how much labor is required to produce the order, accounting for any work in progress.
Customer and Product Mapping
Customers and Products are mapped between QuickBooks and Off The Shelf just-In-time, saving you from the drudgery of importing your entire catalog of offerings at once. Each time Off The Shelf encounters a new customer or product from QuickBooks, you can map it to an existing one in Off The Shelf or easily create one from scratch. Your mapping is saved automatically, and easily edited any time.
Products mapped from QuickBooks items have a complete Bill of Materials, with unlimited subassemblies, so you can track all the components that go into every product.
Customers linked in Off The Shelf display a full purchase history that shows every product shipped out, with serial numbers for tracking.
Work Your Way
Regardless of whether you build-to-order or ship-from-stock, Off The Shelf works with your process. If you invoice for pre-payment, Off The Shelf can create Sales Orders from a QuickBooks Invoice. But if you invoice upon shipment, you can convert approved QuickBooks Estimates into Off The Shelf Sales Orders and then generate a final invoice with the click of a button when the finished products are on the dock.
And Off The Shelf is flexible enough that you can use either method order by order if you do a little of everything.